返回最新消息列表 【Oversea Credit Card Payment Suspended for New Subscribers on GeForce NOW Starting 17:00 March 11 (UTC+8) / Now】

Effective on March 11 17:00 (UTC+8), GeForce NOW has temporarily suspended oversea credit card payment and transactions for newly registered users to subscribe to any paid plans on our service. We will only accept credit cards which are issued by local Taiwanese banks as payment moving forward until further notice. Should you be interested in our service as an oversea user and have not subscribed to our plans yet, you may seek other payment methods or switch to Taiwan locally issued credit card at the checkout page.

Members who currently have recurring plans bound with oversea credit cards are NOT subject to this change. However, should you choose to suspend your recurring plan, you will not be able to re-subscribe using the same or other oversea credit card to complete the payment under this circumstance.

Updates will be announced once oversea credit card payment is resumed. Please stay tuned. We apologize for the inconvenience.

【即日起暫停受理新申辦會員使用海外信用卡付費訂閱GeForce NOW】

即日起GeForce NOW 暫時停止新申辦會員使用海外信用卡付費及交易來完成訂閱GeForce NOW付費方案。GeForce NOW目前僅接受台灣本地發行之信用卡。若您是新的海外用戶但尚未訂閱成為GeForce NOW付費方案會員,請在結帳頁面選擇其他付款方式或更換為台灣本地發行之信用卡。

若您目前已訂閱GeForce NOW並且綁定海外信用卡,您將不會受到此變動影響。若您的續訂遭到中斷後欲申請重新訂閱,GeForce NOW將無法接受以同一張海外信用卡進行交易與訂閱,建議您選擇其他付款方式或更換為台灣本地發行之信用卡。

